CS3600 - Introduction to AI (Head TA)

Presenting on Back Propagation for the Project 4 Review

As Head TA for CS3600 I was responsible for organizing the grading and office hours of 26 TAs to make sure that the class ran smoothly for 1,633 students (across 4 semesters). I had the opportunity to teach about search, reinforcement learning, bayesian inference, and machine learning.


  • Updated the TA interview to introduce a technical question on debugging student code

  • Hosted 5 review sessions throughout each semester to review concepts discussed in lecture

  • Introduced project review videos to help students get started on the projects Check it out

  • Wrote rubrics for all assignments

  • Authored new ethics of machine learning wrapper assignment

  • Worked on with two professors across 4 semesters (2 as normal TA, 2 as head TA)

Michael J. Ryan
Michael J. Ryan
Masters student in NLP

My research interests include multilingual NLP and memory/knowledge modeling